Monday, January 26, 2009

Got a reply from zichuan when I returned from a whole day of coursework. She said that we WILL be friends. I did not know whether you can ask a person to become your friend by asking him or her directly. I tried and it turned out great. I am very happy.

I did go to the gym, but I forgot to update my member card for the new quarter. Leave it to Wednesday. I am supposed to be busy this week as there are quite a few practical issues to deal with.

Lars' class is great as alwa
ys. It needs both talents and efforts to be a good instructor. He has both. Will read Lucas and Prescott (1974) carefully.

Thanks to the people who make today a great start to 2009.

To prove my love of life, I decided to
casually take a picture from time to time. Here is today's. It was 6:20 pm and I was waiting for Bus 40.

Budapest is celebrating 20 years since communism's fall.


  1. :-)

    My dad said winter in Stockholm was long dark days and endless nights. The sun would show up faintly and briefly between 10 and 2... That wasn't his exact words. But that's been the image of winter Sweden in my mind. Perhaps scenes of Nattvardsgästerna have been engraved in my head for too long.

    I like the fact that when you move to the side of the LCD screen, you can see more details of the photo, and you can see the slender outline of the willowy tree, the lanky image of the fourth season.


  2. The winter light is one of the few Bergman films made in winter. The days are usually too short to shoot films. I guess this is also one reason he had so many films with a summer theme. I heard that his favorite season is autumn.
