Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another day of courses, behavioral economics (Laibson on psychology and economics.) in the morning and empirical micro in the afternoon. Courses’ qualities vary. So I have to read by myself for the empirical micro course. Anyhow, it is a good chance to carefully study Wooldridge’s textbook. I do not have any compliant about teaching qualities considering my own teaching experience. It is really not easy to be a good teacher.

I talked with Jörgen today. He is nice as ever. When I came to Stockholm, I was more interested in Ingmar Bergman than in my studies. His math classes changed me. I was often told that math is beautiful, sensitive, graceful, tender, harmonious etc. But I did not feel the beauty until his lectures. I was so eager to share my feelings with others that I decided to be a TA for him. The results turned out to be a disaster. I felt discouraged, guilty and ashamed of myself.

His words encourage me a lot. He also suggested me making sure with Torsten about my research. I am very grateful to him and really envy his students. On the other hand, I am envied for my own mentor, who is knowledgeable, elegant and insightful. Grass is always greener on the other side of the hill.

All in all, I became very lucky after coming to Stockholm. Today I even came across 20kr on my way to the office. But luck per se cannot save me. I have to work hard with a grateful heart. Hopefully I can get close to their personality and achievement some day. I often dare not talk to Torsten only because I am too ignorant.

Gym record today: 15 min on the treadmill+5 min on the ring+5 min on the bicycle.

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