Thursday, April 9, 2009

1. Attended the first lecture of Behavior Economics II in the morning. There were only three students and one of us does not intend to take it. Reading experimental studies is an entertainment. So I will take this course.

2. Had lunch with Mark after the class. There is a type of person who will always be the center of a group wherever he is. That's him. What's funny is that our topics are always around his girlfriends whom I do not really know personally...

3. Read Van Damme's Chapter 2. I read very slowly and took some notes.

4. Watched La Ceremonie again. Obviously I am not the only one who is fascinated by the Papin sisters. Given the description of the murder, the best candidate would definitely be Chabrol if we want to find a director to make a movie based on the story. But I like Sister My Sister better.

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