Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Read Chapter 19 in Lars' textbook. It is simple conceptually but complex technically. I am not sure whether I can use the tools directly in the topic I am interested in-coalition formation in non-democracies.

Emailed Princeton to see whether they have got my reference letters. They have not but they said, 'Our admissions director has reviewed the rest of your file and has given the approval for admission'. Quite strange. I need to ask Torsten whether I should apply for other schools. (I always feel ashamed of myself when turning to him for this kind of issues. I should talk with him only about research, I suppose). Besides, my GRE and TOEFL scores are too old. Not sure whether it is a problem. Anyhow, I shared this news with the reference writers, Wang laoshi and Po laoshi. Thanks to them. Then I regretted as it might be better if I tell them after I have settled down in the States. Sigh.

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