Thursday, February 26, 2009

1. Had applied micro lecture in the morning. Now I am thinking of writing a 'pure' empirical paper as I have taken a series of econometrics courses. Perhaps I should look at CHNS data again. I am interested in the effects of migration workers on the risk/insurance of their families.

2. Went to the gym after calling Yiping. Good. Hopefully I can manage to go to the gym or read a bit Swedish, if I fail to do anything else in a day.

3. Yinan told me that he will go to Berkeley to present his paper on the survival of autocracies. Happy for him. btw, I just realized that Markov equilibrium is not so interesting as I thought.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for calling me
    like a cup of hot tea
    on winter night with
    sore throat
