Friday, January 23, 2009

1. Listened to a job market talk by a MIT candidate. Really not easy to give a good presentation. He made the audience laugh once, at least.

2. Had a coffee break with Martin. He is a nice friend and always encourages me as I am often not self-confident. He has a very lovely daughter, Greta, following Greta Garbo. btw, he is very good-looking. The Swedes are generally tall, healthy and good-looking. They are also aware of their heritage.

3. Listened to YN's research idea. It's hard for me to give feedback without reading the model. So I asked him to send me the model and hopefully can give him some suggestions next week.

4. Talked a little with WY online. He is one of my few online friends. We have never met in real life. Actually he lives very close to my campus in Beijing. I know little about his life except his essays and poems. He also encouraged me a lot, especially when I was at CCER. I wrote a few short stories because of his encouragements, but now I feel awkward in retrospection. Of course I am still grateful to him.

5. Read Rogerson (1988).

6. Found an old picture when I cleaned my bookshelf. It was taken when I just got the bachelor degree. My roommates and I decided to go to Zizhuyuan Park to take some pictures. None of us had digital cameras at that time, so we rented one camera from a store. The camera and the film were of the lowest quality. The color of the picture is even faded now. We had different thoughts at that moment and I did not know that one day I would miss that time so much.

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