Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Had behavioral economics lectures in the morning and in the afternoon. Today's topics are about neuroeconomics, biology and economics. The papers were published in Science, Nature etc. The topics are fascinating. The methodology is not.

Had lunch at the place I have been accustomed to. The restaurant is operated by Chinese but only provides Japanese and Korean food.

Cooked a fish (röding). Very good.

Worked on recursive macro homework. Almost finished.


  1. just curious of your comment, "The methodology is not.". would u like to explain a bit more?

  2. Thanks for your comment.

    1. Generally speaking, I just cannot be convinced by conclusions about human behavior in lab experiments.

    2. For the neuroeconomics papers in which some authors tried to knock out a certain part of the brain to check whether the relationship between this part of the brain and some behavior is causal, it is still hard for me to believe that different parts of our brains work independently.

    3. As to a few papers on monkeys or chimpanzees, I am not sure how the chimpanzees interpret the experiment (especially with pre-training etc).
