Monday, February 2, 2009

1. Behavioral economics in the morning, about hypothetical versus real decisions. Still doubtful about the methodology.

2. Recursive macro in the afternoon. Today is about matching model, with heterogeneous jobs and with layoff tax. Lars said good evening to me after the class. I am happy.

3. In the process of reading Diamond and Spinnewijn (2009). Peter Diamond will give a seminar here on Wednesday. Look forward to it.

4. Got some pictures of YuanYe's girlfriend. Very happy for him.
When I saw him in Denmark last summer, I could not believe this considerate and handsome guy was once the little boy who dared not walk in a dark night.

5. Got another set of pictures of Dan's wedding. (Is February a month for love?) She studies at UC Davis and majors in trade theory. Perhaps I was the only one among our classmates knowing her marriage registration as she borrowed my red sweater for the registration picture. The wedding is expected, but still happy for her.

Good. This is a happy Monday.

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