Saturday, January 17, 2009


The paper I will discuss in the conference is a simple model about strategic voting in the context of collective decision making. For instance, when there is a policy to vote for or against, some agents prefer to wait for more information while some agents will vote directly. The prior beliefs, the quality and signals as well as agents' preference might influence the decision. I enjoyed reading it. He dealt with calculating voting share in a simple and good way, although he might have made a few mistakes.

The author is a student of Antoni Calvó-Armengol, a rising star that unfortunately and unexpectedly disappeared at the age of 37. Two of his papers were published on RES after his death. So what? Sigh. Don't work too much, my friends. Besides studying hard, I should walk around Stockholm a bit this year, say, visiting some gardens. The motto of the owner is 'Det är gott att leva....trots allt!' = 'It is good to live...after all'.

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